
Are you cooking with olive oil?

You probably wondered why the Mediterranean diet is considered, for a lot, a healthy option… is not merely the fish, nor the vegetables and how colorful their plates are but the thanks also goes to the use of olive oil. As they used it to represent wealth, fame and peace.

Olive oil doesn’t bring only benefits but it also complements the taste and the aroma of the plate… Especially if it was in salads.

Olive oil is the natural oil extracted from olives, the fruit of the olive tree. And it should always be like that… Unfortunately 80% of olive oils are fake. So if you are not noticing the benefits of it, you are probably using the wrong one… Because its benefits are outstanding. You must be familiar with the extra virgin olive oil which is the least processed olive oil. That’s why it’s always advised. 

Olive oil benefits:

Olive oil is loaded with benefits. All the thanks go to its composition. It is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which reduces inflammation. As it is counted as a cause of many diseases including cancer, heart diseases …etc. It is contains a good amount of Vitamin E and Vitamin K. 

Moreover, it is rich in monounsaturated fats, healthy fats… especially oleic fatty acid that has anti-inflammatory impact as well. Not mentioning its impact on the heart and lower LDL cholesterol.

Note, a lot of fake olive oils are available. Make sure it is extra virgin and cold press, as not a lot of benefits are preserved. 

Cooking with olive oil?

In the past few years, olive oil has become one of the most popular cooking oils.

Thinking that it is heart-healthy fat, cooking with olive oil could be thought to be done. But does this mean that you should be using it when you cook?

The answer is : depends 🙂 

It is known that unsaturated fats are not advised to be under high heat. Like canola, safflower, sunflower,  corn oil and more… I know they sound familiar 🙁They are common oils used during cooking, especially frying. And as these oils get exposed, ALOEP is created as “ advanced lipid oxidation end products” …. SO TOXIC ….There is definitely going to be a separate blog for it..However, it is said to be more damaging than sugar!!!

So what then, can we use olive oil for cooking? 

Olive oil is stable unlike other unsaturated fats. So, using it for sauteing, roasting or marinade won’t be a problem. But, when it comes to frying, careful use should be taken for sure. You can use olive oil as long as you keep it under the smoking point  374–405°F (190–207°C). And normally we don’t reach this temperature… Anyway, to be on the safe side, use olive oil when sautéing and there are other alternatives that can be stable, while frying and even after being exposed to high temperature like avocado oil.

What happens if?!

What would happen if we cooked with olive oil and passed the smoking point?? That stability might  break, during deep frying and lead to the formation of toxic compounds. These compounds can cause irritation in the mouth and throat, stomach upset and even cancer.


To sum things up, olive oil is one of healthiest fats and has many health benefits. It is advised to include it in you diet for sure. HOWEVER, note that deep frying with olive oil isn’t ideal. You can saute, roast, or marinade with olive oil. Moreover, use it for salad dressing.

One more thing to note, make sure it is real and not fake. if you’re using the fake oil, you’ll never benefit from it.


13 thoughts on “Are you cooking with olive oil?”

  1. Pingback: Crispy Comfort: Pakora - Nutritious

    1. not sure about certifications, but there are several tests you can do… odor and taste is one of the ways you can differentiate the real from the fake..
      moreover, origin !! Italy and greek are examples

  2. I love olive oil, and use tiny drops of it for flavor. I eat olives in my salad and enjoy that ingredient that way. I buy organic ones, and nothing about them is fake. Thanks for sharing your post. Warm regards, Nancy Andres at Colors 4 Health

  3. Valuable post. Olive oil has a lot of benefits and you are spot on that 80% of them are fake. So it is important to get the right one and use it.

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