
10 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut

10 signs of unhealthy gut

NEVER underestimate our gut health. Our gut is about 8 metres long, that contains numerous digestive organs starting from the mouth and down to the anus. It has more than 640 species of bacteria, more than 20 hormones that help to digest, deliver, and absorb nutrients, and it expends about  20% of the energy, without the need to move. No wonder that when we talk about unhealthy gut, we are definitely referring to overall health deterioration. The gut, often referred to as the body’s “second brain,” as well. A healthy gut is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption, and a robust immune system. When the gut is imbalanced, it can lead to a variety of health issues. And it is noticeable, if you payed attention to these 10 signs of an unhealthy gut.

10 common signs that may indicate an unhealthy gut:

1. Digestive Issues

Digestive problems like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, excessive gas, heartburn, and acid refluxes are classic signs of an unhealthy gut. Ignorance is one of the reasons that lead those signs to become extreme conditions.  The problem is we started normalising these symptoms!!! Anyway, An imbalanced gut may have trouble processing food and absorbing nutrients, leading to these uncomfortable symptoms.

2. Frequent Food Sensitivities

An unhealthy gut can cause food sensitivities or allergies. If you find yourself suddenly sensitive to foods you could once eat without issues, it may be a sign of gut problems. Where your body starts identifying food as foreign components. These sensitivities can lead to a variety of symptoms, from skin issues to digestive distress.

If we go to the very beginning of food allergies, we find that because of our lifestyle, nutrient deficient diet, medications, microbial infections and more; out gut health deteriorates gradually. Causing low acid… Which as result, leaving our stomach a place for more microbes, indigestible proteins enters our blood, further deficiencies.

3. Persistent Bad Breath

Bad breath that doesn’t improve with good oral hygiene might be a sign of an unhealthy gut. As mentioned in the above point, with an unhealthy gut; you might have low stomach acid. As result, an overgrowth of bacteria in the gut, where it shouldn’t be there. Which then, it can produce foul-smelling gases.

4. Unintended Weight Changes

Sudden and unexplained weight changes, whether weight gain or loss, could be related to an unhealthy gut. An imbalanced gut can affect nutrient absorption, which can lead to weight fluctuations.

5. Skin Conditions

I would say that this sign is the most apparent. You can see it, and notice the difference. Our digestive organs are responsible for digesting and absorption of nutrients. Therefore, any issue in that matter, by any cause, leads to improper and insufficient nutrient reaching to cells, including skin cells. Resulting with Conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Moreover, An unhealthy gut can lead to inflammation throughout the body, including the skin, causing or exacerbating these skin issues. Read more in “Does Gut Health Affect Skin?”

6. Fatigue and Sleep Problems

β€œInsights into the gut-brain crosstalk have revealed a complex communication system that not only ensures the proper maintenance of gastrointestinal homeostasis, but is likely to have multiple effects on affect, motivation, and higher cognitive functions”. Meaning, An unhealthy gut can impact your digestion, absorption and eventually impact energy levels. Potentially leading to deficiencies that result in fatigue and disrupted sleep patterns. As example, 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut. It is known as β€œ the happy hormone” and associated with sleep and mood. And with gut disturbances and alternations, it produce and release is impacted.

Not mentioning our reliance on coffee to stay alert,  Which without us noticing alters our physiological normal state… leading to constant fatigue… Read more in β€œ Can Coffee Make You Sick?”

7. Mood Swings and Mental Health Issues

Continuing on what is mentioned above, an unhealthy gut can affect your mood and mental health. Anxiety, depression, and mood swings may be linked to an imbalanced gut due to the gut-brain axis. It is found that β€œover half of patients with irritable bowel disorder also have depression, anxiety or sleep problems, and it’s not uncommon for depression and generalized anxiety disorder to be associated with gastrointestinal issues”

8. Frequent Infections

With 70–80% of immune cells being present in the gut, A compromised gut can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. Frequent colds, respiratory infections, or persistent candida overgrowth may be indicative of an unhealthy gut. 

9. Autoimmune Conditions

Gut mcrobiota, the gut bacteria is an essential part of our body’s immunity, in addition to supplying essential nutrients, synthesizing vitamin K, aiding in the digestion. However, any alternation in the gut bacteria, as changing location as example, can cause gut problems. Autoimmune diseases are often connected to gut health. An unhealthy gut can contribute to increased inflammation, which is a common factor in autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

10. Sugar Cravings

Our gut bacteria found to have an impact on our food choices and cravings. It has been found that some bacteria reduce the sugar cravings and others increase it. In a new study, researchers have shown that an absence of certain gut bacteria may cause mice to binge-eat sweet, palatable foods.


Maintaining a healthy gut is essential for overall well-being. If you’re experiencing any of these ten signs of an unhealthy gut, it’s important to take action. A balanced diet rich in fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics, along with stress management and proper hydration, can go a long way in supporting gut health. If symptoms persist, consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying causes and develop a personalized plan for improving your gut health. A healthier gut can lead to improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and an overall better quality of life.


24 thoughts on “10 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut”

  1. This was a very informative article since I learned a lot about gut health. Sometimes I suffer with some of the things that you mentioned. I do take probiotics and try to eat better. Thanks for a very informative article.

  2. I totally agree that our gut health cannot be taken lightly. Frequent digestive issues and food sensitivities are a sure signs of a person having a bad gut. A helpful read indeed!

  3. Very informative post! I believe that so many things in life are connected to good food choices – we tend to underestimate the impact of healthy food choices.

  4. I really appreciate this post as I have had to learn to maintain gut health due to several of these issues you included. It is a continuous process of mindfulness and learn to accept the need to change how you eat and what you eat. I have also learned what vitamins and nutrients you must include as well as pre and probiotics. Thank you for writing on this topic. 😊

    Pastor Natalie (Examine This Moment)

  5. This is very informative. I have been struggling with many of the issues you highlighted. I will re-evaluate my diet. Thank you

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