
“Myths About Cholesterol”: Know the truth


If you read “Unveiling the Truth: Interesting Facts About Fats“; you’ll know that fats, including cholesterol, were the culprit for lots of diseases, especially heart disease. Now, we understand the actual cause of these diseases and they are not fats. Of course, I am referring to real, natural and healthy fats. In this post, I will be sharing some common myths about cholesterol, that I am sure going to mind-blow your mind.

But first, let me define what cholesterol to begin with…

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy and fatty substance found in the blood. We, humans, can produce it. And this raises the question if we can produce it, why it is bad then???

Anyhow, there are 2 types of cholesterol. You’ve probably heard of both. LDL is “low-density protein” and HDL is “high-density protein”. The truth is that both are protein carriers of cholesterol. Think of them as a bus or a taxi. because fats can’t move in blood freely…They need a carrier/ bus… So do Cholesterol. These carriers move cholesterol in the blood to the liver and out of the liver.

Going back to the start…

Our liver is considered an active site for making fats. It makes cholesterol, fatty acids, and other lipids. So when the fats are ready, including cholesterol, it gets carried by something called VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein). This carrier moves around the body, delivering fats, including cholesterol … if the cell needs them, it opens its door to use them. and you will know why we need cholesterol as you continue reading ….VLDL then gets smaller and this small carrier is the famous LDL we know.

Then the liver sends an empty carrier. The HDL (high-density lipoprotein)… To collect back cholesterol if the cells no longer need them.

Since we consume cholesterol in our diet as well. What happens is that fats, including cholesterol from food carried by Chylomicrons (another carrier) but this one carries only what comes from our diet. This carries moves around cells and gets smaller as cells take whatever they need… Cholesterol most probably remains in the carrier. which then get delivered to the liver.

cholesterol cycle

Myths about Cholesterol:

Myth 1: ALL cholesterol is bad

Cholesterol is essential for our survival. It performs special functions that keep us alive. Hormones, Vitamin D, cell membrane, skin, bile… all depend on cholesterol. And the fact we can make it, erase the myth that it is bad!!!!

75% of cholesterol is made by our body and 25% is from food. Food has little to do with cholesterol…

I read the book ” What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing you”. The author said that they didn’t consider cholesterol as a risk factor for heart disease. <320 was considered normal. But after a FRAMINGHAM study. Shifts toward cholesterol as a risk factor were initiated. But later, many researchers criticize the study and highlighted its shortcomings.

Myth 2: We don’t need cholesterol

As I mentioned above. Cholesterol performs lots of functions… How come we don’t need it??

Cholesterol functions
  • Cholesterol is needed to make hormones.
  • Cholesterol is needed to make bile
  • cell membrane and skin is made from cholesterol
  • vitamin D is made from cholesterol
  • Hormones are what controls different and mostly all process that happens in our body.
  • Bile is digest fats and without it bloating could be a result and Vitamin D deficiency
  • Cholesterol is an important part of the membrane as it controls the passage of fats in and out of the cell
  • We have cholesterol in our skin and this is what helps in making vitamin d that we receive from the sunlight.

What about what comes from food?

Myth 3: We get cholesterol ONLY if we eat it

If I eat lots of cholesterol, I will have high cholesterol levels … you are probably familiar with that, but it isn’t true

The fact is our body is capable of making cholesterol. We make 2 g of cholesterol every day. Our brain is mostly made of cholesterol. and our body is fascinating in that it cooperates with what we give it. If we ate lots of cholesterol-containing food, then the body makes an amount that founds the balance and fulfills the needs. As I already mentioned above, only 25% of the cholesterol in our body comes from food.

If you eat whatever quantity of cholesterol-raising food; it won’t raise your cholesterol as much as when you are stressed for example :0 or your body has been accumulating toxins… as a reactive response from our body, cholesterol production increases!!

Myth 4: LDL is bad and HDL is good

Not totally untrue. LDL and HDL are both carriers of cholesterol. And the cholesterol they carry is the same. We can’t point out as one is good and the other is bad because they are basically the same. The only difference is one delivers cholesterol to cells and the other collects them back. And it is already proved that cholesterol is needed in cells because it is a NUTRIENT and essential for survival.

We make LDL by ourselves.. even if we are not taking it through diet.

It is been concluded that both types of cholesterol defend against infection. SO LDL and HDL cholesterol is good for immunity.

Another point is that LDL could be bad. and I guess this is what made confusion…that is when it raised due to high sugar/carbohydrate intake!!! Sugar and carbohydrates can be converted into LDL much faster than the dietary cholesterol itself!!! so if you have high cholesterol … You should question yourself if your intake of sugar is high…. then this is what needs to be modified and not your fat intake.

Additionally LDL is good until it gets oxidized!!! a process similar to rust!!! and you probably guessed it….it gets oxidized when your intake of sugar is high!!!

Myth 5: Too much cholesterol cause heart disease

Continuing what’s above…

Since we already agreed that LDL works against infections and is good for immunity. This myth is surely untrue. The worry comes as we eat lots of sugar… This is when we raise the bad LDL and when we oxidize the LDL. Then arteries get inflamed … Our LDL then runs toward the inflammation area to REPAIR. As a protection motive…not more…BUT, it ends up with clogged arteries…

There are available findings, that proved that LDL is not related to heart diseases. Here is one. A study reviewed studies followed elderly people to see if their LDL levels could cause death due to heart disease. and they concluded with a lack of an association between LDL levels and heart disease

so thinking about it, the actual cause is SUGAR and oxidation, not cholesterol.


Cholesterol is a healer. Cholesterol is naturally produced to protect. Both LDL and HDL are good. Why worry about LDL, if we have the HDL to clear it out?… They key is the BALANCE. I am not sure about the ratio of both, But I believe, what matters is watching out from SUGAR and this is what made the myths about cholesterol believed for so long.


  • Strand, R. (2013). What your doctor doesn’t know about nutritional medicine may be killing you. Thomas Nelson.

25 thoughts on ““Myths About Cholesterol”: Know the truth”

  1. I was diagnosed with high cholesterol. I learned a lot of new things that I didn’t know about cholesterol and myths about it. Enjoyed reading. This gave me something to think about.

  2. Pingback: Unveiling the Truth: Interesting Facts About Fats - Nutritious Nutritiousinfo

  3. Wow very informative. I love the way you’ve broken down each point so it’s understandable to the reader. I had no idea vitamin d was made from cholesterol.

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