
My meals: What do I eat?!

My meals

One of my main purposes for initiating this blog is to deliver the fact that we can live normally by being healthy. It is normal and original to be healthy. And being healthy does not mean prohibiting ourselves from “food pleasures”. It is just funny to hear people hear how can you live without soft drinks πŸ™‚ I just can!!! It isn’t and never will be a necessity for me. Which is NORMAL. So I decided to give a glimpse of my meals and what I eat normally.

I believe that a lot are thinking that we are not enjoying life because we are deprived of candies, for example. But the thing is why do we keep linking food to joy? I understand the link. However, I mean sugar, fried food, packaged food, and chips. Why this type of food that is always linked to joy and pleasure? why aren’t fruits and veggies bring joy and pleasure?

The answer isn’t in this post.

Anyhow, I want to share that I am healthy and eat normally. As you read this post, you will notice that I eat what I want without feeling guilty and end up being full and satisfied… this is what is important… You might find lots of similarities with your diet πŸ˜‰

Going back to the main point,

I know I said it a lot already, but I want to repeat it… I am making changes toward a healthy lifestyle with you guys… I sometimes lose control, and this is normal, and I want you to know that… What matters are these tiny steps, the effort, and little habits that will definitely have a huge impact on your overall health.

One of the things that I try to do is to take small bites and chew them probably. I spend proper and enough time during my meal. It is confirmed that chewing has benefits on overall health including digestive system health.

Another point is cooking meals by myself. This made me include new items, try new recipes, find alternatives, and have control over the number of things that I plan to reduce… vegetable oils, sugar, and packaged food items for example. A lot agreed that cooking helped in building healthy habits

I don’t count calories… I never plan my meals by calories… Know why in Don’t count calories post…


I am not a fan of this meal. I’m not too fond of breakfast, so normally I skip it. I start my day with a matcha drink with almond milk or green juice. Both are known for their benefits on health. Sometimes, I start with a hot drink, cinnamon, and honey. but this is rare, as I don’t prefer hot drinks. By the way, it has been only a year since I added these habits. I originally avoid eating or drinking anything till lunch.

If I had breakfast, it is normally a sandwich. An egg sandwich, avocado, tomato and garlic, halloumi, and Tuna. Since I don’t eat bread normally, I don’t worry about adding it once a week. Moreover, I am not picky, I don’t mind whole bread, lentil bread, or oats bread… depending on the availability.

What I avoid are coffee and milk. I don’t like both, especially after knowing their impact on us.


This meal is my favorite meal since childhood. I never skip it, unless I am fasting. Here when I bring all my cooking skills. I try new recipes. Trying to vary in the veggies, carbs, and protein. Since I am from UAE, our lunch is mostly rice. So difficult to give up on it. So I try to complement it by adding vegetables and legumes like chickpeas, lentils, tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, zucchini, parsley, mints, spices, garlic, onions, ginger…etc. All add to the rice nutrients. Furthermore, chicken or meat is a must in the lunch meal.

Another thing, salad is a must in our meals. Besides the cooked veggies on the plate. Raw veggies should be served in our lunch. Most of the time, we make a simple salad that includes tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and lettuce. However, since our family loves to vary in salads, we make greek salad, fattoush, tabbouleh, and arugula salad. All are delicious.


What I usually do after lunch is eating fruit. Our family does enjoy eating fruits and I know that a lot struggle with that. But we do consider it a must πŸ™‚ We love all kinds of various fruits including berries, grapes, citrus fruits, even pears, apples, cantaloupe, figs, and more… We are rarely picky when it comes to fruits.

As I mentioned above, we often eat fruits after 30 minutes to an hour of lunch and we found that this has its benefits. Eating your snacks, whether it was fruits or anything less, is better right after your meal. As your body started its engines and is ready to digest. Your insulin is out, ready to use any sugars which are good in preventing glucose strikes. Something you definitely want to avoid… basically a raise in glucose happens normally after any meal, however, this raise could be soo high in a way that impacts your organs and cells negatively. Of course, this mainly depends on the types of food in your meals.

Anyhow, eating fruits after your lunch can also slow the digestion and emptying of the stomach. Meaning staying full for a longer time.

Moreover, not going to lie. fruits are not the only snack I eat… I do enjoy sweets from time to time. Cakes, cookies, brownies, chips…etc. But I do try to not let them be in my daily routine πŸ˜‰


Last but not least. Dinner… Again not a fan. However, I do enjoy light dinners. Roasted vegetables… sometimes with chicken or tuna, simple and easy to make sandwiches, soup, I do skip it often as well.

I do enjoy burgers, pizzas, chicken wings, and noodles…which are not considered that light… However, I don’t like to be complicated when it comes to food. Whatever is available, I eat it, IF I WAS HUNGRY… Even though, your dinner isn’t the best representative of what healthy is… What matters is you fill yourself up moderately and with balance… Don’t tell me you eat burgers daily?!!! It’s about the variety and inclusion of items that are nutritious. and most importantly, your routine… Let your routine be good and healthy and let it go once a week or a month πŸ˜‰

I do have an early dinner most of the time. Maximum 9:00 pm. Early dinner is a must. it gives time for the body to digest things properly until bedtime. Sleeping after a meal is a big NO!!!

To sum things up…

What I want to deliver via this post, is to eat normally, without worry, unnecessary calculation, or guilt feelings. Meals are there to energize you, not to drowse you, or make you sick. If so, you should look at your meals again. Moreover, build a routine. I mean, try to make your routine includes healthy habits. Like, less sugar, salads, no junk food…and if you get out of the routine on weekends or special occasions, NO WORRY then. That is what I do… I like sweets and chocolates, but it is in my daily routine. NO… The point is to no need to eliminate anything fully, just try to balance.

Another thing you can do is challenge yourself for the sake of change. For example, you have a day with intermittent fasting, another day with a plant diet, and another one sugar-free…Of course, knowing how and why it does good to you… No one knows, it might fit your routine πŸ˜‰

17 thoughts on “My meals: What do I eat?!”

  1. Pingback: 8 Tips for Healthy Eating: Beyond the Plate - Nutritious Nutrtitiousinfo

  2. As someone who normally eats dinner before 6, I have to laugh at your “early” dinner before 9. Haha. But seriously, thanks for the reminder that balance is everything

  3. Thank you for sharing. Yes, healthy eating is about making good choices and healthy habits. I use to eat 3 meals a day, but as I get older I find I don’t need to eat as much. I find two lighter meals, packed full of veggies, with a light snack is plenty for me.

  4. I try to stay on a healthy regimen diet plan but its so easy to get distracted with sugary foods especially during the holidays. This gives me a few ideas to stay on track. Thank you for sharing! πŸ˜‰

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