
6 Hormone Balancing Superfoods

6 hormone balancing superfoods

One of the leading global problems, that I believe is underrated, is hormonal imbalance. This is explained by why people suffer from headaches, fatigue, skin issues, and more… simple impacts that don’t interrupt your daily life… However, its consequences are expensive in the long run, if it wasn’t treated. You can look at hormones as the workers that let your machines (organs) work as it supposed to work. Any imbalances will result in a disruption of that specified organ.

And obviously, our daily lifestyle isn’t ideal for our hormones to be balanced. We are not moving enough, our diet isn’t complete, and our mental health isn’t stable. That’s all for sure will result in hormonal imbalance. By the way, imbalances can be fixed naturally. and here I am sharing some superfoods that can help with that… NOTING that it depends on your state. So, here are hormone balancing superfoods that could help with your imbalances…

1. Healthy fats

healthy fats- hormone balancing superfoods

Since we already know that fats are not the culprit of disease, we can tell that it has a beneficial impact on balancing hormones. Fats, of course, NATURAL FATS, are the building blocks of al lot of hormones in our bodies, including sex hormones, like estrogen and progesterone. I believe that it is so common to hear that these hormones are imbalanced, especially among women. Which is a cause of main bothering issues like skin problems, hair loss, irregular periods, excess body hair… and more. The solution is simple. Choose the right fats… The healthy, natural, unprocessed ones.

Continuing on that, fats are necessary for insulin as well as serotonin, know as a happy hormone. serotonin is essential for digestion, mood, bone health, sleep, nausea, blood clotting, etc… Whenever you eat carbohydrate-rich meal, you are raising the release of insulin levels, that results with increase level of serotonin. That’s why we feel good and happy after carbohydrate-rich meal 🙂 However, this makes you enter a cycle of cravings, that could lead to a depression. FATS are able to control the release the levels of insulin. therefore, serotonin levels are controlled and balanced.

2. Leafy greens

leafy greens - hormone balancing superfoods

I will share a tip for you, the more colorful, the healthier… Especially if it was green. I don’t know about you, but I feel it is appetizing to see a greeny dish… So beautiful. These colors are antioxidants, molecules that make you stronger, younger, and healthier. Moreover, green leaves contain substances that are good for the liver. which is a super important organ for releasing and metabolizing hormones.

Not mentioning the fact that green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of various minerals and vitamins. These mineral and vitamins are essential in boosting energy, building bones, and reducing inflammations. All which supports immunity and overall health. Additionally, they are able to manage blood sugar

leafy vegetables are easy to add in your diet routine. Spinach, kale, mints, cabbage, arugula, basil… and more… Add them to your salad, your sandwiches, smoothies…they’ll add a fascinating nutritional value 😉

3. Lemons

lemons - hormone balancing superfoods

The easiest shot of antioxidant you can take in the mornings is lemon water. First, hormones respond better when you are hydrated. As dehydration puts us in a stress mode, reduce thyroid function… and obviously, hormonal imbalances. Second, It was found that lemons activate liver enzymes to help with detoxification. It can improves bile secretion, which is extremely important for fat digestion. Whats more, it is known for its vitamin C content which is a strong antioxidant. All of which optimize your hormones release and excretion. Lemons improve your skin, control your appetite, regulate your blood sugar levels, and boost your overall immunity.

Lemons can boost your feel-good hormones and reduce stress levels too

4. Pomegranate

pomegranate- hormone balancing superfoods

I read that pomegranate is a miracle. one of the common hormone balancing superfoods. It protect your heart, safeguard your estrogens, “sensitize” insulin receptors better than many diabetic drugs, slow down aging, and fight cancer.  AMAZING!!! plus, it is good.

It is found that pomegranate can block excess estrogen production, that could be highly risky for developing breast cancer. It known to be “tumor fighter”. Thanks goes to the polyphenols. Compounds found in plants. They are may improve digestion, brain function, and blood sugar levels, as well as protect against blood clots, heart disease, and certain cancers.

The juice, the oil and the extract showed beneficial impact on health, especially on treating cancer.

5. Figs


Since estrogen is the most common imbalanced hormone, especially among women, figs found to help in balancing it out. It is said to be one of the best estrogen inhibiting food you can eat.

not mentioning the fact that it lower high blood pressure, good source of fiber, and protect against vision loss. And more interestingly is high in calcium. A good point to me since I don’t like dairy product.

6. Cruciferous vegetables


Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts. Amazing!!! they have the ability to break down estrogen, which is why they are considered an excellent cancer fighters. For your information, estrogen, as mentioned above, is a female sexual hormone, and when it is high…heavy periods, body hair, fatigue is resulted. For long term, high estrogen has been linked with extreme complications like cancer 🙁

Cruciferous vegetables allow efficient metabolism. And can improve gut and liver health.

Of-course, these aren’t the only hormone balancing superfoods. Superfoods are a lot and cant be limited in one post. I started with these, because I already have them in my diet, could be your diet as well. Whenever I read about something as good or healthy and I do have it already, it reminds me that being healthy is not always means inclusion of fancy, complicated stuff. It could be by having things that already available in our homes. A lot in your fridge that can be counted as SUPERFOOD by the way.

Just want to add one point and it is superfood isn’t a scientific term, but I truly believe in them and consider them SUPER.


7 thoughts on “6 Hormone Balancing Superfoods”

  1. Thanks, super important topic indeed. I lack of progesterone and I’d love to know more of the foods that could help me instead of taking medicines…

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